Friday, August 13, 2010

Places to go, People to meet, and Things to do..

I've had a lot of trouble figuring out what my "theme" for this post would be. The only interesting story that has been in the news (and that I've given any of my attention too) is the crazy flight attendant that used the emergency exit of the plane as a farewell to Jet Blue, and his career in serving people crappy airline food. On the bright side of it all, I'm sure the passengers actually paid attention to the emergency procedures this time around... ohh, how crazy the world is that we live in!

Now, in the time between my last post and now, I have felt a lot of things shifting in my life. Not only do I move out of my house within the next month, but I am starting to make plans for things that will affect the direction that my life goes. For example, next summer I could possibly get an internship, or I could go to Paris. If I decide to take an internship, I could still study abroad and go to Europe...but that would be during the school year and for a much longer period of time and could potentially delay my graduation date :/ . Something else that has sparked my interest is to learn how to sail. Yes you read it right ladies and gentlemen, I want to learn how to sail a sailboat. It's something that I have always thought was cool, and to some I have expressed this interest, but now I want to actually do something about it. Ive even thought about going to a couple of sailing club meetings at school to see what it is all about and get a feel for it. If I like it, then traveling across the country to go to different competitions would probably be involved. If I don't like it, then maybe I will figure out what I truly have a passion for through that experience.

Either way, I am starting to realize how much I want to suck the marrow out of life and have absolutely no regrets. Isn't that what we all say though?? Maybe having regrets vs not having regrets is a complete state of mind and depends on where you end up in life. But I suppose I just want to be able to say one day that I lived life as much as I could, did as much as was within my means and tried absolutely everything. When I was younger, I thought that all I wanted was to do the "normal thing" and graduate college, get married, have children and do the whole soccer mom thing ( I do still want that, dont get me wrong I would absolutely love to have a big family one day...) But there is something else that I want mixed into that somewhere, I am just not sure what it is yet. I know that I will find it one day, and I'll just keep trying and doing new things every day in the process. Maybe I'll even write a book about it one day ;)