Thursday, November 25, 2010


Cookie Monster meets SNL??

Well, I guess there really IS a first time for everything and if Cookie Monster actually does make the cut then, well, this only proves my point.

My question is this though...Does Sesame Street have what it takes to keep audiences entertained on late night T.V? I mean, sure, he can keep most 2 and 3 year olds entertained at 10 in the morning, but can he keep the attention of those who can actually stay up past 8pm? Just because most of us have grown up with Cookie Monster and the rest of the Sesame Street gang, does not mean that we should bring him over to the (sometimes) crude humor that would not reflect well on our dear friends from our favorite childhood show (unless maybe it was Oscar the Grouch...).

Nevertheless, I understand that having him on the show would be purely for fun and perhaps some of you are thinking to yourselves that I should lighten up. And hey, Betty White did it, why cant the Cookie Monster? I'm not against him being on the show, but do you really think the monster has it in him? I guess it would depend on the way the show was put on. We will just have to see!

In case you is a link to a sneak peak that I found. It's Cookie Monster's audition tape!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Royal Engagement..

Well.. its about time for Kate Middleton and Prince William to make the commitment "official". . .

In case you have not already heard (and if this is the case I would most definitely consider you completely out of touch with the world, because it is all over the news... you know who you are) Prince William and Kate Middleton have become engaged, as of this morning.
check out ( for pictures of the ring.. its HUGE!!!

For some reason after reading articles all over the web today (I may have gone a little over board during my lunch break today), I have managed to feel the need to comment on this engagement. I guess there is something about royalty that I find very interesting. Besides the fact that this particular royal family are basically celebrities in the U.K, as well as the U.S, there is something about them that I find intriguing. Particularly William's new fiance....

While I was watching an online segment today, they described Kate as a girl that came from an normal middle class family, who went on to University after high school, met William, and boom bada bing, she's a queen. While it is much more complicated then that, I cant help but think of Cinderella (yes, from the fairytale) and the fact that she went from rags to riches in the matter of days. Although, she DID have a little help from her fairy godmother along the way. While Kate certainly hasn't come from rags, and this romance has certainly lasted longer than days (9 years, actually) she's certainly living her own, real life, fairytale...with a REAL Prince!

With this 'real-life' display of Prince-charming-meets-girl, girl-and-prince-charming fall in love is in news media today, and I am sitting in my living room with my mind full of fairytales, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I hope the best for Kate and William... as I would ANY two people that have become newly affianced. It certainly makes one excited for the adventures to come in the future.

Whatever kinds of adventures are in store for ME for the future, I hope that I can make the most of them. I'm DEFINITELY not thinking of getting engaged any time soon like Kate and William.. but maybe a trip overseas or taking on an internship sometime in the next couple of months would be just enough adventure for me, for now.

jusqu'à la prochaine fois mes amis!
